An aged well pumps may not offer any signs before experiencing no water. A frequent click at a well tank, tripped circuit breaker, loud electrical buzzing, or the pump running without water usage are signs of needed service. Don’t wait until there is no water, call today to be assured of continued well pump operation.
Are you experiencing no water? Call us now at 262-895-6454. The Water Store provides emergency well pump service, and installing well pump systems since 1976. We are fully insured, and through the DNR, we are Licensed Well Pump Installers.
Many times the overall safeness of water and design of a well system is unknown. Having a well inspection allows a licensed Well Pump Installer to perform a visual inspection of known code violations, and identify proper separations from contaminating sources. The Water Store provides real estate well inspections, city requested well inspections, bank loan requested well inspections, V.A. loan requested well inspections, and private well inspections. The DNR and EPA suggest that private well owners have their water tested once a year. If you have any concerns of the integrity or quality of you well water, call us to assist you and your well.
Integrity is of upmost importance when choosing a well pump to install. That is why The Water Store uses Flint and Walling (F&W) for well pump installations. F&W well pumps are the only well pump motors made in the U.S.A. Stainless steel construction increases strength of discharge area, resists corrosion, and promotes extended bearing life. We expect superior performance with fewer problems using a reliable product. Our premium pumps deliver the confidence and reliability you expect and deserve.
Take control of your water supply with a constant pressure well pump. Change the desired pressure from your well pump by pressing up or down arrows. Constant pressure pumps are Variable Speed Drives (VSD). The amount running water will determine motor speed, a VSD adjusts to meet a needed water demand. Constant pressure applications upgrade a water system by providing a smaller footprint, eliminating large pressure tanks, and creating more accessible conditions in your cottage, home, or business. Three inch diameter well pumps offer the best option with 4 inch wells, or shared wells that contains two pumps (one pump for each home).
The well industry offers two types of well tanks. First and most common is a diaphragm or bladder tank, the second, is an air over water well tank. Each well tank style can have an advantage over the other depending upon the water chemistry. Wells with high iron benefit from diaphragm style tanks. Air over water well tanks work best with wells having low iron levels. The Water Store installs premium tanks to provide the confidence and reliability you expect from professional grade well equipment.
Well tanks store water to keep well pumps from turning on frequently. A properly functioning well tank minimizes well pump start and stops. Sizing a well tank is determined by well pump outputs in gallons per minute (GPM), or by horsepower. One horsepower (1 HP) well pumps need enough water storage for a well pump to run two minutes during a pumping cycle. 1/2 – 3/4 HP well pumps need one minute of run time for proper motor warming during cycles. The Water Store provides Well-Rite professional grade well tanks to offer ultimate quality and dependability.
The advantage of an air over water well tank develops if paired with an air charging well pump system. These systems can offer maintenance free operation, eliminating the need of yearly air recharging to well tanks. When a well tank receives too much air from the air charging system, the well tank uses an air release controller called an air volume control (AVC) to release excessive air. AVC’s eliminate experiencing air at your faucet and in the lines of plumbing. Air over water tanks work best with wells having low iron levels, high iron will create a nuisance within the well and tank. The Water Store offers Flexcon professional grade well tanks for unsurprising life and integrity.
Code complying well pump systems protect people from injury, and protect the well owner from possible contamination to a well or drinking water source. When a well or well tank has a non-complying feature, it is upon replacement of either item, non-complying code issues will need to be addressed and upgraded. Noncomplying well code violations are also addressed during real estate transactions, city requested well inspections, bank loan requested well inspections, V.A. loan requested well inspections, and private well inspections.
If you are experiencing no water, call now 262-895-6454. The sooner we understand your urgency the quicker we can respond. Check your electrical breaker. Even if you recover from a loss of water, call us to schedule a water system service to discover the integrity of your continued water usage.
A water line leaking from the well to a house may not show any outward signs of trouble. A puddle forming in the yard between the well and house, low water pressure, a well pump running continuously, or a well pump running without using water could be a sign of an underground pipe burst. Water line replacement should be addressed when discovered. Waiting to repair a water line could lead to further property damage. If you believe your water lateral is leaking call us. We know how to dig a water line safely, with as little downtime as possible.
Old wells that stop producing a sufficient amount of water can sometimes be rehabilitated to offer lasting results. The processes of airlifting, bailing, or using a sand pump offer a final effort that may redeem a well to good use before deciding to drill a new well. Slow wells that were developed with low yields of water may also benefit from fracking sections of limestone known as hydro-fracking.
Wells with low water recovery rates may need to rely on stored water in well, which is the total volume of water in the well from the static water table to the inlet of a well pump. If you experience times where your water pressure and flow of water drops, then through time pressure and flow recuperates, you may be experiencing low flow from a poor well. Call The Water Store for solutions on how to maintain an adequate flow of water.
Well Abandonment may come as a surprise, or as an ongoing known issue on a property. The two most common well abandonments come when a home connects to city water and the city is now requesting a well inspection and safe water test to keep the well, or during a real estate transaction a well is discovered on the property and is now needed to be properly abandoned. Old wells that dry up, or well casings that are deteriorated are two other reasons for well abandonment. The Water Store has been doing business as Abandonment Company since 1997. We perform needed well abandonments, coordinate with local inspectors required to inspect a filling process, and follow all DNR required well abandonment guidelines.
The Water Store provides well pump service, water softeners, bottled water, plumbing, well tanks for well water storage, iron filters, reverse osmosis systems & water purification, sulfur filtration, water heaters, whole house water filtration, water lateral excavation, garbage disposers, faucet replacement, outside hose bibs, sump pumps, emergency battery back-up sump pumps and more!
7465 S Loomis Rd
Wind Lake, WI 53185
Phone: 262-895-6454
S74 W17065 Janesville Rd
Muskego, WI 53150
Phone: 262-679-0939
24301 75th St
Paddock Lake, WI 53168
Phone: 262-767-0220
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